The Seven Seals

◆◆◆ 5.The Contents of The Seven Seals ◆◆◆
The Revelation to John
2004.07.31 Kouji Kubota

◇ God prepared the Revelation to John 2000 years ago for man of today.
◇ Part 1: Chapter 1~ 2;Part 2: Chapter 1~3 have carried all the descriptions of this book.


Part 1 ------The Revelation to John 
         【The Explanation of Every Theme】
       The important points in the Revelation to John.

Chapter 1  What is “The Revelation to John”?

-------------◆ Man's Essence and Energy

-------------◆ John in prison and the Revelation
-------------◆ "The Sea of Glass Like Crystal" as the Screen
-------------◆ The Scroll Sealed with Seven and the Outline of the Revelation

 The Revelation to John has the description of the stage setting for projecting the predictions of the future. First, this book "The Seven Seals" explains this stage setting, the screen, and the principle of prediction of the future. And this book has arranged the predictions chronologically.

★ The first spiritual enlightenment  ★ John's wish  ★ The solid screen and the data file appear.  ★ The projection of the introduction is started. In this, the greatest convulsion of nature is projected nonchalantly.


Chapter 2  The Seven Seals already broken...............

-------------◆ The Vietnam War
-------------◆ The Battle of the Persian Gulf (The Iran-Iraq War)
-------------◆ The Nuclear Power Plant Disaster of Chernobyl
-------------◆ The Invasion of the Iraq Army in Kuwait (The Gulf War)
-------------◆ The Abnormal Weather and the Foods Crisis
-------------◆ The Spread of Epidemics
-------------◆ The Seven Leading Industrialized Nations and Russia
-------------◆ Japan, the United States of America and New York

 In Chapter 2, the description of the book "The Seven Seals" has clearly proved that God prepared "The Revelation to John" 2000 years ago or more for man of today. You readers can check that the contents of all prophecies coincide with various present-day situations.

★ Predictions already realized one after another.  ★ The increase of abnormal weather.  ★ New epidemics which appear one after another.  ★ Surprisingly Japan appears.  ★ The fate of the great city.

Chapter 3  The Crisis of Humankind's Fate
            which is already close at hand.

Preface of Chapter 3

◇ Subsequent to Chapter 2, I will gradually add notes and links of each chapter, verifying that these predictions are realized in the progress of time.

-------------- ◆ Great Earthquakes and Submersion of Lands
-------------- ◆ The Shift of the Earth's Axis (The Pole Shift)
-------------- ◆ The three Dictators,
                and the Time of the Disturbances of War
-------------- ◆ The Collapse of the United States Style of Capitalism
-------------- ◆ The Functional Stop of the United Nations,
                and the Annihilation of New York 
 For God to warn humankind beforehand that the crisis of humankind's fate will come in the present age, "The Revelation to John" was written. In Chapter 3, "The Seven Seals" has concretely explained the contents of the crisis which will come soon.

★ What is the greatest convulsion of nature? ★What is the Middle East problem in which the deep-seated grudge is whirling, and who are the leading players whom God is going to use in order to make this problem end? ★ God will destroy the United States style of capitalism which is the symbol of materialism. ★ What is the judgment of God on the Great Harlot?  ★ The mystery of 666 solved at last  ★ Does the dictator revive as the prophecy?

◇ Chapter 3 For the description below, we will increase links and commentary while verifying that prediction will be realized over time.

Chapter 4  The Decisive Battles in the Middle East

-------------- ◆ The Battle of the Euphrates River
-------------- ◆ What did John seal into his stomach?
-------------- ◆ The United Nations and the Multinational Force
-------------- ◆ The Battle of Armageddon
-------------- ◆ The Dictator's Last
-------------- ◆ The Fate of the Middle East and Israel

 One of the greatest themes in the prophecy of "the Revelation to John," is that God has had the resolve to put an end to the historical fighting between Israel and the Arabs, which is now the main cause of war in the world on earth. The removal of the seeds of big wars in the world on earth and the eradication of materialism, these two matters are indispensable in order to create a new civilization. "The Seven Seals" has explained in detail the scenario God has planned for the new civilization.

★ As a result of the great sacrifice of Arab countries and the multinational forces who make up the U.S. Forces main force, both will lose the energy to fight and they will know what the wrath of God is. "The great day of God" is the dramatic day his wrath developed, which God planned 2000 years ago.  ★ What conclusion did God plan? What is the fate of Israel and the Arabs?

Chapter 5  The Appearance of the Savior and Japan

-------------- ◆ The Savior to Japan
-------------- ◆ The U.S.-Japan Security Treaty
-------------- ◆ The Collapse of North Korea
-------------- ◆ The Economic Crisis of Japan

 Although it is what should be surprising, Japan appears in the Revelation to John. "The Seven Seals" has proved that it is truly Japan, and many readers should be surprised by the many coincidences between the suggestions and the actual situations.

★ Japan has the great mission.  ★ In order to recover from the crisis of humankind's fate, man needs a spiritual compass.  ★ For that, Japan has to overcome today's adverse circumstances by its own power.

Chapter 6  The Essence of Life
           and the Transmigration of Souls
The Essence of Life

● ―――――― The Crown of Life
● ―――――― The Book of Life
● ―――――― The Water of Life
● ―――――― The Tree of Life
● ―――――― The First Resurrection
● ―――――― The Second Death
● ―――――― The Second Resurrection

 Many words which suggest the essence of life appear in the Revelation to John. When you readers understand the meaning of these words by the descriptions of "The Seven Seals," you will know the greatness of life, the greatness of God, and you should understand that all men are brothers and man is the child of God.

★ Man has life after dying. Whether you go to Heaven or to Hell is the great problem. ★ The standard for determining it is in man's mind itself. All the sources that determine your destination after death are in your mind itself. ★ In a glass of muddy water, the upper part becomes clear and the lower part becomes muddy. So is the world after death. The world where man should go is decided, according to an undulatory principle.  ★ What is the resurrection? God has given man many salvations.

The Transmigration of Souls

● ―――――― I am the First and the Last
● ―――――― A White Stone and a New Name which No One Knows
● ―――――― The Ark of the Covenant
● ―――――― A Fellow Servant
● ―――――― The Reason for the Existence of this World

 The Revelation to John has many descriptions about the system of the transmigration of souls. Although Christianity has denied this as a doctrine, if you understand the Revelation well, you automatically know that it is wrong. "The Seven Seals" has explained that this is the system which God created for the evolution of humankind.

★ Why is man born to this world?  ★ For what purpose do people live?  ★ What is the transmigration of souls?  ★ What is the true happiness?

Chapter 7  The Savior and God

The Savior

● ―――――― The One who Conquers
● ―――――― The Hidden Manna
● ―――――― A Rod of Iron
● ―――――― The Morning Star
● ―――――― A Sharp Two-edged Sword Issued from his Mouth
● ―――――― King of kings and Lord of lords
● ―――――― A New Song

 The prophecy that the representative of God, i.e., the Savior, will be sent into the world on earth appears clearly in the Revelation to John. "The Seven Seals" has verified this theme from various angles.

★ What is the Savior?  ★ The relation between God and the Savior.  ★ What power does he have? ★ For what purpose is the Savior sent to this world?  ★ The words which symbolizes the representative of God.

The Great Guiding Spirits

● ―――――― The Seven Spirits
● ―――――― One Like a Son of Man
● ―――――― Moses
● ―――――― Jesus Christ
● ―――――― The shift of Guiding spirits.

 Two or more great guiding spirits who are qualified as the representative of God but who we do not yet know, appear in the Revelation to John. "The Seven Seals" has solved this mystery.

★ How are Jesus Christ, Moses, Buddha, and God related?  ★ The existence of great life energy.  ★ On the Earth, ten great divine spirits are guiding humankind now, and this book explains that secret.


● ―――――― I am the Alpha and the Omega
● ―――――― I am the First and the Last
● ―――――― I am the Beginning and the End
● ―――――― The Almighty God
● ―――――― My Father and the Lamb

 The word of mystery related to the foundation of the spirit group on this Earth, appears in the Revelation to John. "The Seven Seals" has explained this mystery intelligibly, and it will renew the old image of God which we humankind have continued to have until now. And this book offers the image of God based on the scientific knowledge which man of today has.

★ What is the creation of God?  ★ The Secret of God and the plan for humankind's evolution.  ★ What is the Almighty God?  ★ What does the word Father and the Lamb mean?

Various kinds of flags suggested in the Revelation/United Nations, the United States, New York, Israel, Japan

Part 2 ------ The Revelation to John
          【The Explanation of all the Texts

◇ In part 2, "The Seven Seals" has explained all the texts of "the Revelation to John", and in order to deepen understanding of readers, has translated some of the portions freely. Readers can find many words of God which do not appear in part 1.

【1】The Words of Spirits

......... Chapter 1 One Like a Son of Man
......... Chapter 2 The Admonitions to Evangelists
                 and the One who Conquers [1]

......... Chapter 3 The Admonitions to Evangelists
                 and the One who Conquers [2]

 In these three chapters of the Revelation to John, many very important words of God are told. "The Seven Seals" has explained the secret hidden in those words.

★ John in prison was led by Jesus Christ, and his soul separated from his flesh and went to Heaven.  ★ God ordered John "You have to write down man's future which I show from now on and hand it down to future generations."  ★ The admonitions to the evangelists.  ★ God has announced beforehand sending the Savior to this world.

【2】 The Seven Seals

-------------- ◆ Chapter 4 The Throne
                 and the Sea of Glass Like Crystal
-------------- ◆ Chapter 5 The Lamb as though It Had Been Slain
-------------- ◆ Chapter 6 The Scroll with Seven Seals
-------------- ◆ Chapter 7 The Angel with the Seal of the Living God  
 The Revelation to John is described in words and images which John of 2000 years ago could understand. However supposing this revelation is written in the present age, it should be converted into words and images which are completely different. "The Seven Seals" will lead you to the world of God in the present age and the future from the world of God in the past.

★ The huge screen for projecting humankind's future in three dimensions. ★ The data file which has recorded all of the plans of humankind's evolution.  ★ The appearance of the person in charge with the capability to perform management of the data and projection of the image. ★ The introduction of humankind's future began to be projected.  ★ The Savior's messenger said, "The preparation is not yet completed in the world on earth."

【3】The Seven Trumpets

-------------- ◆ Chapter 8 The Seven Trumpets
-------------- ◆ Chapter 9 The Battle of Euphrates River
-------------- ◆ Chapter 10 The Little Scroll
-------------- ◆ Chapter 11 The Fate of the Holy City

 The prophecy in the Revelation to John starts by describing some of the incidents or catastrophes, which have already occurred in the present age. "The Seven Seals" revives the contents of the prophecy as clear images in the mind of today's man.

★ The data inside the scroll began to project the humankind's future. ★ The first trumpet:The Bombing of North Vietnam     A.D. 1965  ★ The second trumpet:The Iran-Iraq War   A.D. 1980  ★ The third trumpet:The nuclear power plant disaster of Chernobyl A.D. 1986  ★ The fourth trumpet:The Invasion of Kuwait by the Iraq army A.D. 1990

【4】A Woman Clothed with the Sun

-------------- ◆ Chapter 12 A Woman Clothed with the Sun
                     and a Great Red Dragon
-------------- ◆ Chapter 13 The Beast and the Dragon
-------------- ◆ Chapter 14 The Dead Who Die in the Lord

 Japan is clearly described in the Revelation to John, and "The Seven Seals" has verified this from various angles. You readers must be surprised that all keywords suggest the country called Japan. Then, why does Japan appear?

★ The appearance of Japan.  ★ The Korean War, the U.S-Japan Security Treaty, the crisis of the collapse of North Korea, the economic crisis of Japan.  ★ Does the dictator of the Middle East revive truly as the decipherment result of the mystery of 666?


【5】The Seven Bowls of Seven Plagues

-------------- ◆ Chapter 15 The Climax of the Wrath of God
-------------- ◆ Chapter 16 The Seven Plagues
                  and the Battle of Armageddon

 In the Revelation to John, the portion which God camouflaged most intricately is about the fate of the Middle East and Israel. "The Seven Seals" solved and reproduced it as one scenario. You could clearly recognize where the will of God is.

★ What is the wrath of God?  ★ The tank army of the ally in the Middle East were concentrated at Armageddon.  ★ At last, something is accomplished on "the great day of God."

【6】The Great Harlot

-------------- ◆ Chapter 17 The Seven Kings
-------------- ◆ Chapter 18 The Sin of the Great Harlot
                    and the Judgment of Her

 God has prepared the Revelation to John in order to send to man of today, as the important portion which you can check that, the United States of America and the Seven Leading Industrialized Nations appear. "The Seven Seals" has translated the text freely, keeping faithful to the original meaning which the word of the Revelation has, removed the veil, and pictured the image skillfully.

★ The appearance of the United States of America and the Seven Leading Industrialized Nations. ★ [18-5] for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. ★ What is the judgment of God on the Great Harlot? ★ The dictator appears again in Russia.

【7】After the Judgment of God

-------------- ◆ Chapter 19 A White Horse and King of kings
                       and Lord of lords
-------------- ◆ Chapter 20 The Judgment of God
                      and the First Resurrection
-------------- ◆ Chapter 21 Heaven and Bride
-------------- ◆ Chapter 22 The River of the Water of Life

 Various matters about the spiritual world are described in the Revelation to John, and all the words that appear in the text have important meanings. "The Seven Seals" has explained in as much detail as possible not only about the prophecy of the near future but various laws about life and the spiritual world.

★ Although the evil spirit Satan and his army corps challenged the army corps of the Savior and the angels to the last spiritual fight, they were not able to win. ★ What is the judgment of God? What is the resurrection?  ★ What is "The Ark of the Covenant"? ★ What is Heaven? What is Hell?


◇ If you understand all the texts of the Revelation to John, you should recognize clearly that we are alive in the present age as witnesses to the great turning point of civilization which will come once in several 10,000 years. To help readers understand this clearly, "The Seven Seals" spent much space not only on the explanations about the prophecy but also on the laws of God.              

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